Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are Electronic Health Records A Valuable Choice?

No matter what area of the medical field you are in, the chances are very high that you have already come across electronic health records. In fact, the majority of offices in the medical industry today are already fully integrated or are converting over to this electronic form of recording and storing medical records.

The true trepidation that many people have is that the new electronic medical record software will contain bugs that will compromise the way they function as well as their sensitive data. However, there are still others who feel that there is little superior to digital documentation and swear by it. No matter where you work or how your feel about the systems, doing strong research will help you develop a superb knowledge of the issues at hand.

There are many benefits to going digital. For example, many technologies include automation features that correctly code procedures. This may decrease the instances of incorrect entries in your documentation, while speeding up the documentation process. Additionally, since electronic medical records are easier to manage and fully access, if there is ever any question about your billing practices or patient care, an auditor can easily find issues within the documentation.

The Best For Multi-Location Offices

It is very common for practices to have several different offices that each specialize in a certain medicinal area, and oftentimes, patients will need to travel to different offices in order to get the high quality healthcare they need. To best offer each patient with superior, best of breed care, electronic medical records can be quickly transferred to the other locations instantly to virtually guarantee that the patient gets the necessary care. This process is far more efficient than trying to transmit paper documents via fax.

There is no need to rush an electronic medical records system purchase. Instead, planning is paramount when considering how it will impact your office and what the adoption issues may be. However, you should keep the advantages of adoption in mind also, such as cost reductions and more efficiently used storage space.

You may think that a smaller practice would find an EHR software adoption unnecessary. However, even single doctor practices can gain real advantages from electronic medical records. Some opportunities include paper, part-time staff, filing supplies, and medical transcription outsourcing. In some cases, it can even improve patient confidentiality by shoring up important documents with strongly encrypted databases.

Simplification is Critical

Because there are always so many advances in the tech world as well as the medical field, it is a good idea to implement a system that is easy to use and upgrade. For instance, whenever you have a medical billing system that is easy to use, you will find that reporting is quick and easy, mail out bills and much more. Such an accounting asset is a wonderful reward to having just the right electronic health records system in place.

Taking the leap and adopting electronic health records can be a real game changer for both you and your staff. Once you understand how to use it to your benefit, you will all likely be thrilled with its efficiency building advantages. In fact, you might even wonder how you ever managed to run your practice without an electronic health records application.

Carl Hardy is a product trainer, developer and editor of His company, EMRG, specializes in developing high quality electronic medical records software and offers a free online demo. Check out the site for tips on EMR installation, adopting EMR as part of the Stimulus package and more.

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